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Saturday, May 23, 2020

What is squat

what is squat

what is squat :


squat is a type of sports exercises that work to revitalize the body muscles, and through which the muscles of the lower body, abdomen, and legs are built, and some people are unaware of the importance of these exercises in burning fat. 

From the muscles of the body, especially the lower part of the body, and also helps to tighten the body in the event of a sagging weight.

These exercises are performed by those who wish to have an ideal body, as you can sculpt the buttocks and hindquarters by following these exercises, and also those who suffer from abdominal sagging, especially women after birth, or who have lost a large amount of weight, where squat is an important sport that must be followed to tighten Slouching of the abdomen, and it also strengthens the abdominal muscles, and in case you suffer from abdominal fat, persevere in these exercises will help you in burning these fats, and it is considered one of the safe exercises that a pregnant woman can do.

How to work squat exercises
- You have to wear sports' wear to move around easily , and to help you burning fats.
- Do warm-up exercises before starting, especially stretching.
- Stand and stand back straight.
- Bend your knees forward while leaving a distance between them.
- Stretch your hands forward with attention to fixing them.
- Take a sitting squatting position.
- Leave the weight of your entire body focused on the buttocks and buttocks, and make sure that your knees do not cross your toes.
- Then stand up with your hands raised to the bottom of your chin, and keep your leg heels glued to the ground, and repeat these steps twenty times on the first day, then start increasing the number of exercises to 150 times on the thirtieth day.
 - You can use weights during exercise after perfecting it.

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