² How to learn swimming for beginners - virall-up


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Saturday, May 23, 2020

How to learn swimming for beginners


Swimming is a sport that depends on a person’s movement in water and his skill in that; the skill of the practitioner of this sport is measured by his speed of movement in the water, and the number of professional positions that he can take. There are many positions and paths in which there is no competition. This sport is dependent on these two factors, and this sport is very popular, as it is among the World Olympic Games that are held annually, and many championships and competitions are held in most countries of the world periodically.
This sport is considered a dangerous and deadly sport if it is not practiced properly, in the event that the practitioner was not able to do so, it may lead to drowning and his death; therefore, those who want to practice it must learn and learn from it, and benefit from it.
:The benefits of swimming
The benefits of swimming are numerous. Despite its difficulty, but it has many health benefits, it is advisable to practice this sport continuously, and its benefits include:

  •   Strengthening the muscles of the body, especially the muscles of the arms, shoulders, back, and legs, due to the water's resistance to the human body during swimming.
  • Strengthening the heart muscle and blood circulation.
  • Improving the performance of the respiratory system.
  •   Eliminate stress and tension.
  • Fat burning, which leads to weight loss

How to learn to swim:
Learning to swim is not an easy thing, and it requires extreme caution, in order to avoid drowning, or injuries within the pool or on its edges, such as: slipping, as it needs to practice in order to master it, as love of swimming and the desire for it are important reasons, not one of the most important reasons, To be afraid or tense while learning to them, as fear or anxiety makes them difficult to learn, and it is possible to start learning to swim in three different ways, namely:
The first method: for a person to throw himself in the sea or in a swimming pool directly, with one of the practitioners at his side, directing him directly with some of the movements that help him to stay in the water without drowning, and it represents the idea of ​​putting the person under the helper, so that it is a little helper Survival is what drives it to learn to swim, and this method is the shortest and fastest way.
 The second method: is for the person to learn to swim by taking practical lessons in centers or swimming pools specially designed for such a purpose, and these practical lessons include some of the instructions that the coach provides, so that the person adheres to it, and the person must follow it.
The third method:  learning to swim in theory, then applying what has been learned on the ground personally individually, but it is preferable to have a practitioner as a precaution.

Personal learning method:
 Before starting to learn swimming automatically, you must master the method of breathing under water, in order to be able to avoid swallowing water, or suffocation in the event of drowning, as it is a way to remove fear and anxiety, given the person's knowledge of how to behave under water. Training on how to master underwater breathing is as follows:
  •  Wearing swimming clothes, going down in the water, but staying close to the edges of the pool, sticking to it.
  •  Inhale to fill the entire lungs with air and mouth blowing.
  • Dropping the head into the water without dropping the pool tip.
  • Exhale slowly, by removing air from the mouth.
  • Taking the head out of the water when feeling short of breath.
  •  Practice the steps repeatedly to prolong the time of standing underwater.
After mastering how to breathe underwater, you can start learning to swim, by following these steps:
  • Wearing clothes suitable for swimming, that allow movement easily, without impeding it, and being prepared psychologically to deal with water for the first time.
  • Descending into simple depths, and not venturing into deep areas from the beginning.
  •  Choosing a swimming area that is among or close to experienced persons, and it is preferable that the trained person be accompanied by an experienced person.
  • Fully relax the body, except for the two legs at first. 
  • Carrying the body weight of water, as the density of water raises the body without any effort from the person.
  •  Moving hands transversely with the body, with the shoulder tilted with the moving hand.
  • Ensure the movement of the entire body in a continuous manner, and not rely on the movement of hands only, except after the stage of professionalism, and in specific situations only.
  •  Moving the feet interchangeably, and this movement is very similar to the movement of the feet while driving bicycles.
  •  Taking the self naturally and regularly, and not being silent in the case of regular swimming, as this movement represents a very common and widespread mistake among beginners of swimming.

It should be know that dealing with water in general is easier than dealing with air; since the density of water carries the body, and prevents it from going out to a certain extent, and simply, if the person feels drowning, then what he has to do is between me And as if he stretched his hands over his head while standing on his feet, this simple movement increases the area of the body and makes the water push it upward, so it never drowns.

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