² Goalkeeper exercises - virall-up


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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Goalkeeper exercises

goalkeeper exercises 

  Ball dispersion exercise
The dispersal exercise at the goalkeepers is considered one of the most important and difficult exercises, because the dispersion of the ball needs a quick reaction,and the instructions followed in this exercise include the following:
- If the ball is coming from one side,the keeper must disperse it to the other side.
If the ball reaches to the goalkeeper and his team is under pressure and there are not enough spaces in front of him, he must hit it away.
The goalkeeper must pass the ball to the closest player to his team not to lose the ball. This is in case there is pressure from the opposing team.
If the ball reaches  to the goalkeeper and grabs it, he must throw it to his teammate, who is in an area far from goal and free from the opponent's players.

One-handed repel -up ball exercise
- The goalkeeper stands between the crossbars.
The assistant dribble the ball towards the goal.
The goalkeeper must repel the ball by pushing it away from the goal with the fist or The palm of the hand, as he deems appropriate.
Exercise can be made more difficult by adopting baseball balls in practice instead of soccer balls.
 ball repelling exercise With two hands
- The goalkeeper stands between the crossbars.
The person assisting with the exercise stands At a distance 2 meters from the goalie.
- The assistant throws the balls towards the goalkeeper quickly and powerfully, and each time the throwing angle must be changed quickly so that the goalkeeper cannot rest between the balls.

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